Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Civil War Exhibition

The Civil War exhibition led me to a place I have never been before, The MET Museum. I enjoyed the taking the trip there, the Museum entrance kind of reminded me of a gala event rich socialites would attend in a film or TV. show plus the added smell of barbecue with the food stands located in the front. Inside of the museum was very busy it felt like the hallway of the E building whenever there is an event going on. The civil war Exhibit itself was a dark shadowy place symbolic of the war. The walls had a color scheme similar to the vintage photos on display. Most of the patrons were senior citizens with the exception of a few other young visitors. The exhibit was mostly made up of photos that conveyed a tone of sadness or anger. The people photographed in the picture either had an emotionless expression, fatigued look, serious demeanor, or an angry look on their faces, except  a photograph of sojourner truth with a smirk on a face and a caption that read "I sell the shadow to support the substance" a quote I still am trying to figure out. A section was dedicated only to the destruction the battles of the war had on American civilization and the land itself. Grassy plains and towns were turned into barren and desolate wastelands. One photo from this sections that caught my eye was "Ruins of paper mill". The town itself is devastated. And the only thing that remains of a hollowed out paper mills is its brick frame and a destroyed printing press. Our professor was right when he told us total war was declared on the south. “Nothing said about the war was exaggerated” is a quote I receive from the medical photograph part of the exhibit. With that being said the previous photographs I mentioned had nothing on “all in a day’s work”. This photo reminded of a gory horror film a pile of severed feet, something that made war look even darker than described. According to the exhibit wounded soldiers still had to they were no longer functional or useful.  Overall, the exhibit is a lengthy but educational experience. The exhibit makes me feel disgusted about the whole idea of war

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